Category: Training

  • 6 At Home Resistance Training Exercises for Beginners

    6 At Home Resistance Training Exercises for Beginners

    I recently uploaded an article on the basics of resistance training, which you can find here, and in my previous post, I gave you a beginner’s gym programme which you might find useful. Today I thought I’d adapt a basic resistance gym programme for at-home use. If you’re just starting out, you might not feel… Read more

  • Resistance Training Essentials: A Beginner’s Gym Guide to Building Strength and Confidence

    Resistance Training Essentials: A Beginner’s Gym Guide to Building Strength and Confidence

    In my previous post which you can find here, I discussed the basics of resistance training. Following on from that, today I’d like to explain how you can get started. Please feel free to read that post before you jump back to this one. The aim here is to give you a sample plan, by… Read more

  • Resistance Training 101: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started

    Resistance Training 101: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started

    I’ve recently been told that I recommend resistance training in quite a few of my blog posts, but don’t really explain what it is how to incorporate it into your workout sessions. I guess I assume that anyone reading my articles would know what I mean by resistance training and would know how to do… Read more

  • 11 Tips to Stay Active with a Busy Schedule

    11 Tips to Stay Active with a Busy Schedule

    In today’s fast-paced world, where downtime feels like a luxury, exercise often seems like just another thing to add to the already overwhelming to-do list. I totally understand. I often find it incredibly tough too! It’s not always easy to fit exercise into my routine, and truth be told, there are days when I don’t… Read more

  • Blood Flow Restriction Training for Hypertrophy: How To Gain More By Doing Less

    Blood Flow Restriction Training for Hypertrophy: How To Gain More By Doing Less

    During my undergraduate studies in sports science, and even now as part of my postgraduate research in the medical field, I continue to encounter blood flow restriction (BFR) as a tool. “Tool for what?”, you might be wondering. I intentionally keep that sentence vague because BFR seems to serve multiple purposes, depending on how it’s… Read more

  • Cross-Education in Rehabilitation

    Cross-Education in Rehabilitation

    Picture this: You’ve finally established your workout routine, and it’s going great. You’re getting your 10,000 steps in a day, you’re at the gym three times a week, and you even go on a park run at the weekend. Then disaster strikes. It’s a cold January evening, and the pavements are icy. You’re rushing to… Read more